A.  Minimum System Requirements
  B.  CD Key and Copy Protection
  C.  DirectX(r) Detection & Installation
  D.  Windows(r) Installer Updates
  A.  Dedicated Server Executable
  B.  OpenAL
  C.  Multiplayer addendum
  D.  Multiplayer server console commands
  E.  Accessing the Console
  F.  Windowed mode
  G.  PunkBuster(tm)
  H.  Quicksaving without WinXP Admin Rights
  I.  Autodetect Feature and Laptops
  J.  Playing back movies on Quake 4 Special Edition


QUAKE 4 does not support Microsoft(r) Windows 95/98/ME/NT. However,
installation is allowed in case of operating system upgrades, or dual
booting configurations.

Please note that QUAKE 4 requires your video and audio drivers to be up to
date.  Please contact your hardware manufacturer to find the latest drivers
for your system.

A.  Minimum System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:

- English version of Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
- Pentium(r) 4 2.0 GHz or Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ processor
- 512MB RAM
- 4x Speed DVD-ROM drive and latest drivers
- 2.8GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows swap file)
- 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
- 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
- DirectX 9.0c (included)
- 3D hardware Accelerator Card Required - 100% DirectX(r) 9.0c compatible 64MB
  Hardware Accelerated video card and the latest drivers.
     - ATI(r) Radeon(r) 9700 series
     - ATI Radeon 9800 series
     - ATI Radeon X300 series
     - ATI Radeon X550 series
     - ATI Radeon X600 series
     - ATI Radeon X700 series
     - ATI Radeon X800 series
     - ATI Radeon X850 series
     - Nvidia(r) GeForce(TM) 3/Ti series
     - Nvidia GeForce 4/Ti series
     - Nvidia GeForce FX series
     - Nvidia GeForce 6 series
     - Nvidia GeForce 7 series

Multiplayer Requirements:

- Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported
- Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers
- LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers

B.  CD Key and Copy Protection

1. Installation and the CD Key:
When installing QUAKE 4 you will be prompted to enter your CD authentication
key.  The authentication key appears on the disk packaging, or on the back of
the manual.  It is important that you enter the key string in its entirety
exactly as it appears as printed.  The QUAKE 4 Master Server verifies the CD
key each time you connect for online play.

2. The game tells me my CD key is invalid:
The number one problem with CD keys is mistyping.  Double and triple check the
characters you have entered.

3. Some common sense about your CD key:
Each CD key is unique - protect it from loss or theft by keeping a copy of it in
a safe place.  Without it, you cannot reinstall the game or play online.  You
may hear of so-called "CD Key generators" being available for illicit download
on the Internet.  They do not work as advertised, and often attempt to steal
legitimate keys off your machine, reveal personal information or install
viruses, worms and/or trojan horses on your machine.  Do not download and/or use
them under any circumstances.

4. Copy Protection
NOTICE: QUAKE 4 contains technology intended to prevent copying that may
conflict with some disc and virtual drives.  In order to play QUAKE 4, you must
have CD 1 or the DVD in the drive.

C.  DirectX Detection & Installation

The QUAKE 4 installer does not check for the version of DirectX you have
currently installed, it just prompts you to install DirectX 9.0c.  Activision(r)
recommends allowing the installer to proceed with the DirectX 9.0c
installation, even if you think you may have 9.0c installed.  Re-installing
DirectX 9.0c will not harm your DirectX configuration.  QUAKE 4 requires
DirectX 9.0c to install and play.

D.  Windows(r) Installer Updates

The Windows Installer may need to be updated.  If this is the case, the QUAKE
4 installer will update the Windows Installer, reboot the machine, then
continue normally.


A.  Dedicate Server Executable
A dedicated server executable is included in the QUAKE 4 directory.  Named
Quake4Ded.exe, it allows servers to be run without a CD/DVD check.  You can
launch this with command line options in a shortcut or configure it through the
console once launched.

B.  OpenAL
OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API appropriate for use with gaming 
applications and many other types of audio applications.

Some sound hardware does not support OpenAL.  Please contact your hardware
manufacturer to find out if your sound card supports OpenAL, and where to find
drivers to enable it.

C.  Multiplayer Addendum
QUAKE 4 Multiplayer is bandwidth intensive.  This means that a slower upload
speed will be able to support fewer combatants.  Recommended maximum players
for broadband upload speeds under OPTIMAL conditions are provided below:

128Kbps –  4 players	512Kbps – 10 players
256Kbps –  6 players	768Kbps – 12 players
384Kbps – 10 players	LAN     – 16 players

Please note that this requires correct settings in the Advanced Server Options
or the gui_configServerRate console cvar.

Tourney Mode:
Tourney Mode is a game mode where players fight one versus one in a classic, bracketed tournament system.  
Once the random seeding, or bracket placement, process is finished, players will fight in multiple arenas 
simultaneously. The number of arenas are dependent on the number of competitors present.  Competitors 
that join a Tourney server after a Tournament round has begun will need to wait for the round to complete before getting 
seeded – you must be seeded before you can compete.  If there are an odd number of competitors, 
one player will receive a “BYE” – pretty much a free pass to advance to the next bracket.  The BYE player 
will then automatically be paired with a winner in the next bracket.

Scores are awarded to victorious players of their respective matches.  Each bracket, except the Finals, awards 
the victor 1 point.  The victor in a Finals match will be awarded 5 points.  This point system becomes 
important when trying to track the Ultimate winner in a multiple round event.  For example, if you’re 
participating in a Tourney game consisting of 5 rounds, the scores for each round will rollover and the 
game will tally the scores based on all the match results for the 5 rounds.  Although each round will have 
a Finals winner, the ultimate champion of a multiple round tournament will depend on consistent performance 
rather than a single round victory.

At any point during a match, players and observers can check the status of the tournament by using the 
Tab key, by default, to check the brackets and scores.  Be aware that the match does not pause while 
you check the scores during a match.

Spectators and eliminated competitors can check the individual match competitions by using the mouse 
wheel, by default (the next and previous weapon binds), to view the various arena competitions still taking 
place.  You can also cycle between first person and free roaming mode by using the mouse wheel.  Your 
selection is denoted by the highlight shown across the top of your screen.

Multiplayer Awards:
Awarded to a player who captures the flag in CTF/Arena CTF.

Awarded for helping capture the flag by either a) carrying it within 10
seconds of scoring, but not being the final carrier; or b) returning your
team’s flag, allowing your team to score (within 10 seconds).

Awarded for killing an enemy a) close to your flag, or b) while you are close
to your flag.

Humiliation: Awarded to a player who gauntlets someone.

Excellent: Awarded for 2 kills in 2 seconds.

Impressive: Awarded for 2 rail hits in 2 seconds.

Combo Kill: Awarded for hitting another player with a rocket and then killing
that player within 3 seconds with a rail shot.  Shots must be consecutive.

Rampage: Awarded for 3 gib kills in 5 seconds.  Kills do not need to be

Multiplayer Medals:
Awarded to the player with the most suicides during the game (must be more
than 5).  Only one person will get this award.

Rail Master: Awarded to any player who got more than 80% of his kills with
the railgun.

Rocket Sauce: Awarded to any player who got more than 80% of his kills with
the rocket launcher.

Brawler: Awarded to the player with the most gauntlet kills during the game
(must be more than 3).  Only one person will get this award.

Sniper: Awarded to any player with 10 or more rail shots and 90% or higher
rail accuracy.  

Critical Failure: Awarded to any player who didn’t kill anyone during a

Accuracy: Given to any player whose overall weapon accuracy (all weapons) is
greater than 50%.  This doesn’t count weapons that were not fired.

Frags: Awarded to any player who achieves more than 100 kills in a game.

Perfect: Awarded to the player with the most kills, if that player hasn’t
been killed himself.

Team Player: Given to the player with the most damage but the least kills.

D.  Multiplayer server console commands
In addition to the server setup provided in the QUAKE 4 shell, it is possible
to set up a server with console commands.  (See below for instructions on how
to access the console.)  Please note that the use of console commands is not
supported by Activision Customer Support.

Sets the multiplayer map.  Please note that all the maps are in the mp
directory, so setting a map must be set as "si_map mp/q4dm1.map", for example.

Spawns a multiplayer server with all the current variables.

Sets the server's maximum upstream rate, with the following options:
0 - 128 kbits
1 - 256 kbits
2 - 384 kbits
3 - 512 kbits
4 - 768 kbits
5 - LAN speeds
Please set this appropriately to your upstream data rate, or your server performance
will degrade.

Sets the type of game.  Options are DM, Team DM, CTF, Arena CTF,
or Tourney.

Sets the server's name.

Sets the round's time limit in minutes.  When set to 0, there is no time limit.

Sets the number of kills a player must get in order to win the round.  When set
to 0, there is no frag limit.

The number of times a tourney will use the same map before changing the map.

The number of flag captures needed to win a CTF or ArenaCTF match.

The minimum number of players needed before a match will start, used only when
warmup is enabled.

The maximum number of players allowed on the server at once.

Clients must present a password when connecting.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to

Sets the server's password.

Keeps both teams the same size in team games.  When new players join a TeamDM,
CTF, or ArenaCTF match, they will be auto-assigned to the team with the smallest
number of players.  Also, if players disconnect from the match, teams will be
re-balanced when the round starts again.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

Shuffles the teams after each round.  Only applicable to team games (TeamDM,
CTF, ArenaCTF).  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

Allows spectators when enabled or forces all connected clients to play.  Set to
1 to enable, 0 to disable.

Do a pre-game warmup.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

Enables "friendly fire," allowing players to damage their teammates.  Only
applicable to team games (TeamDM, CTF, ArenaCTF).  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to

Enables custom railgun tinting color for players.  Settings are as follows:
0 - no tinting allowed
1 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and NO hitscan tinting in team games
2 - player hitscan tinting allowed in DM and use team-color hitscan tints in
team games

Forces players to select "Ready" before starting a match.  Set to 1 to enable, 0
to disable.

With this enabled, players cannot pick up weapons if they already have them, and
cannot get ammo from weapons, only ammo packs.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to

This sets the pregame countdown, in seconds.

When this is enabled, the server will not allow any clients to connect if they
have modified data files.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

Shows the server info.

Restarts the game currently in progress.

Changes to the next map as defined in the mapcycle.scriptcfg file.

WriteServerConfig <name>:
Writes the server's configuration to a file.

Enables or disables PunkBuster on the server.  Set to 1 to enable, 0 to

Sets the server's map cycling script.  Defaults to mapcycle.scriptcfg.

Creates a list of maps to cycle.  It requires a semicolon-delimited list, 
such as "mp/q4dm1.map;mp/q4dm2.map;mp/q4dm2.map".  It takes priority over
the mapcycle.scriptcfg file.

Sends a console command or variable (cvar) to the server, when playing as a
client.  The syntax is "rcon command/cvar options" (without the quotation
marks).  Some options may require a server restart with the spawnServer command.
Please note that the net_clientRemoteConsolePassword must be set to match the
server for this to work.

Sets the server's Remote Console password.

Sets the password to use when issuing a command to the server, when playing as a

E.  Accessing the Console
The Console can be accessed with the CTRL-ALT-TILDE (~) key. Please note that
use of the console is unsupported by Activision Customer Support. Please do not
contact Customer Support with console command questions.

Note: For ease of use, the console can be set to open with just the TILDE (~)
key.  To turn this setting on you must enter the following command:
com_allowConsole 1

F.  Windowed mode
Please note that in order to run QUAKE 4 in windowed mode, you must have your
desktop color depth set to "TRUE COLOR (32 bit)".  This setting can be found in
the Settings tab of the Display control panel.

Also, please note that while it is possible to set windowed mode by pressing
Alt-Enter, this feature is unsupported.  In addition, while it is possible to
Alt-Tab to and from the game, it is an unsupported feature.

G.  PunkBuster
Please note:  If you disable PunkBuster as a client or server after it has
already been enabled, the game must be restarted for it to be fully disabled.

H.  Quicksaving without WinXP Admin Rights
In order to play Quake 4 in Windows XP, you will need administrator rights to do 
so. If you do not have administrator rights (e.g. a power user account), you 
will encounter save/load issues with the quicksave feature in the game.  
Please ensure that you have administrator rights  in order to properly 
quicksave and quickload.

I.  Autodetect Feature and Laptops
Because of power saving features on laptops, the autodetect quality settings 
may incorrectly recognize the CPU and video card of laptops and choose 
settings that are lower then what the laptop is capable of handling.  We 
recommend using the autodetect feature, and then manually adjusting the video 
settings until an optimal setting is found for your system.

J.  Playing back movies on Quake 4 Special Edition
Some background applications such as virus protection software are known 
to affect the loading of time of  the movies on the Quake 4 Special Edition DVD.  
If you experience long loading  times, this can be caused by background 
applications or software.